St. Imre Hospital

The St. Imre Teaching Hospital University Lágymányos adult residents of healing institution, but the supply districts) agglomeration in Etyek and MANY also. Outpatients are received by the Hospital Outpatient Clinics in the Bártfai Street Clinic and on the ground floor of the “K” building.


On 678 beds, active patient care is provided by the Emergency Patient Care Center, the Matrix Organization of Operational Professions, the Matrix Organization of Internal Medicine Professions, and the Neurology and Psychiatry operating in the departmental organization. Patients requiring longer care are admitted to the Department of Neurology (Stroke) Rehabilitation, the Department of Chronic Psychiatry, the Department of Chronic, the Department of Geriatric and Geronto Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

In the Emergency Center, the Emergency Patient Care Unit is directly connected to the National Ambulance Service and the Phoenix Patient Transport Service, as well as the Intensive Care Unit and the Central Operating and Anesthesiology Service, in addition to the primary care service operated by the latter. In 2009, the Special Intensive Care Unit was established. The Matrix Organization of Operational Professions has a General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology Profiles.

The Matrix Organization of Internal Medicine Professions is the Nephrology-Hypertension Profile, Angiology Profile, Gastroenterology Profile, Cardiometabolic Center – including Cardiology Profile, Endocrinology and Diabetology Department, as well as the Obesitology-Lipidology Profile, the Clinical Oncology Profile and the Specialized Oncology Profile.

The work of the clinical departments is supported by modern central diagnostics . Hematological and chemical tests are performed in the laboratory . For rare, special tests, an external service provider is used. The Imaging Diagnostics Department provides patients with a traditional X-ray , ultrasound diagnostic, mammography and densitometry unit, as well as a CT and isotope laboratory, and an angiography department.

In addition, there are patient clubs and associations such as the Lipid Club, which has been operating for more than 20 years, the TUBA Club for Cancer Patients for more than a decade and a half, and the recently established Astro Menopause Club, Maternity Club, Prenatal Club, Gastro Club, Diabetes Club and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Club.


St. Imre Hospital
Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház 1115 Budapest