

Szob is a town in Pest county, Central Hungary, Hungary. It is just south and east of the Slovak border on the north bank of the Danube.

Szob is on a major electrified rail connection from Bratislava and a major railway border crossing into Hungary. The border is located between Szob and Štúrovo. On 21 December 2007, all border controls ceased as Hungary and Slovakia became part of the Schengen Area.

Szob is known to Americans for its forced-labor camp which held former US Congressman Tom Lantos, during much of World War II.


First Simon Kézai 1280 read -as chronicle of the town’s name. His name at the time was Terra Sob. In Turkish times, the population of the settlement declined sharply, but in the 18th century Slovaks settled around Nitra .

Until 1923 it belonged to Hont county , between 1923 and 1938 it belonged to Nógrád and Hont kee counties , between 1938 and 1945 it belonged to Bars and Hont kee counties , between 1945 and 1950 it belonged to Nógrád-Hont county , and in 1950 it was attached to Pest county .


  • Gregersen Castle
  • Luczenbacher Castle . Today, the local grammar school operates as a boys ’college and a lazarist convent.
  • Börzsöny Museum – Presents the wildlife, ethnography and archeological and historical finds of Börzsöny. Folk costumes, pottery and peasant furniture from the Ipoly Valley can be seen.
  • Roman Catholic Church of King St. Ladislaus
  • Watchtower ruins from the time of the Roman Empire
  • Statue of St. John of Nepomuk
  • Calvary Hill with views of the Danube and Zebegény
  • Szob – Nagybörzsöny forest railway through Márianosztra


Szob City Municipality
2628 Szob, Szent Imre u. 12.
06-27 / 570-690