TIMGlobal Media


TIMGlobal Media, (formerly Thomas Industrial Media), headquartered in Uccle (Belgium) and founded in 1975, is a sister company of Thomas Publishing Company, which was founded in New York in 1898 and produced the first Thomas Register of American Manufacturers in 1902. It provides print and online information about non-United States companies and products.

Current international publications and websites

  • IEN Europe (Industrial Engineering News Europe, 1975) Provides industrial designers and manufacturing executives with general industrial engineering news and solutions.
  • PCN Europe (Processing and Control News Europe, 2004) Covers industry news, application stories and product news from and for the processing world, including the chemical and pharmaceutical, food and beverage, oil and gas, as well as the rubber and the plastic industries.
  • Energy Efficiency: business & industry (2011) Established at the European Commission, is set up to promote business dialogue and better industrial energy efficiency policy.
  • icatalogs (2011) An online showcase of industrial catalogs from suppliers located internationally.


TimGlobal Media
Via contatc form
140 rue de Stalle – 3ième étage 1180 Uccle
+32 (0)2 318 67 37