Troldebakken and Møllen


Welcome to Troldebakken and Møllen

In 1978, Troldebakken was inaugurated as a day care institution with children aged 0-10 years.
The pedagogical development, changes in the law and the need for places in the area have over the years meant changes at the institution, and this is how the institution looks today:

The children are between 0 and 6 years old and are divided into two houses. At Troldebakken, the nursery and the youngest kindergarten are children, and at Møllen is our large children’s group.

Our distinctive feature is a small farm with a mixed livestock which is shared with Vejle municipality’s other institutions, and therefore we often have visits to our institution.
Like our own children, our guests go exploring among our animals and on our challenging outdoor areas.

The values ​​RECOGNITION – MEANING – COMMUNITY are guidelines in our pedagogical work, and you can by clicking around our website get a much greater insight into what it is like to be a child and parents at Troldebakken and Møllen.

We are open and would like to have a dialogue with the parents about our pedagogy. We want to be kept up to date on whether we now also live up to what our values ​​express.
Our intention is to create the best development and learning conditions for the children at Troldebakken and Møllen.
In 2019, our focus is on implementing THE NEW STRENGTHENED CURRICULUM, while maintaining our valuable routines and traditions.


Troldebakken and Møllen
Bredballebyvej 39 and 51 7120 Vejle East
24 88 14 08