  • Social and cultural diversity
  • Live together
  • Children involved in their learning

Our school welcomes all children with their differences and similarities. The different cultures encountered bring personal enrichment to everyone and allow them to develop “living together” from the age of 2 ½. By organizing class, school and participation councils, they get actively involved in the life of the establishment.
Discovering the world around us is at the heart of the activities in order to prepare children for their role as the adults of tomorrow. The active pedagogy practiced allows students to be actors in their learning and build their knowledge. The development of autonomy is one of the priorities of the educational team. The verticality which favors tutoring and allows the child to advance at his own pace is required in all nursery classes. Many one-off or annual projects are set up with external partners and open up to a wider environment. Music, theater and art practiced in the school are vectors for developing self-esteem. Numerous aids in the classes make it possible to help pupils in difficulty (remediation, French lessons, intervention of speech therapists,School website

  • 173 kindergarten students
  • 302 primary school students


secretariatspiegel @ stgilles. irisnet.be
Place des Héros 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles
02-536 03 49