VieCuri Medisch Centrum


VieCuri Medical Center is a top clinical hospital, affiliated with the Cooperating Top Clinical Training Hospitals (STZ). Read more about STZ. People from the region can contact VieCuri with almost any care requirement, both in Venlo and in Venray. There are also regional clinics in Panningen, Reuver and Horst.

Understanding of business, feeling for people

Our hospital is equipped with advanced technology and costly facilities necessary to deliver these services. Ultimately, however, the quality of care stands or falls with the way people treat each other. After all, care is about people. We believe that patients feel better and recover faster in an environment with high-quality care and hospitable employees. That is why we put a lot of energy into continuing to improve these important aspects.

Watch the movie VieCuri 24/7 on YouTube. 

Training as a spearhead

VieCuri is one of the largest employers in the region and has an important role as a training hospital. We want to create a good training climate and training facilities as a contribution to good quality regional training and medical care. VieCuri therefore sees it as an important task to stimulate and expand education, training, medical scientific research and training competences.


VieCuri Medisch Centrum
Tegelseweg 210, 5912 BL Venlo
(077) 320 55 55